RAK Studios, a cornerstone of the music industry since 1976, has recently undergone a stunning renovation that merges its storied past with cutting-edge technology. Founded by the legendary producer Mickey Most, RAK Studios has always been more than just a place to record music; it’s been a home and a family to many of the music world’s luminaries.
RAK Studios has four unique rooms, each with its own character and charm. Emma Townsend, the studio manager, highlights the vintage 70s API console as a key feature of Studio Two, offering clients a blend of historical and high-quality sound equipment. The studio's collection of vintage compressors, EQs, and quirky microphones, like Fisher Price and talkback mics, adds to the unique recording experience, allowing for both classic and experimental sound creation.
The crown jewel of RAK Studios' recent renovation is Studio Four, which reopened in the summer of 2022. This newly revamped space has been meticulously designed to offer the latest in audio technology while maintaining the studio's classic vibe. Robbie Nelson, a key figure in the studio's design team, describes Studio Four as his favorite mixing room. The room is equipped with cutting-edge Dolby Atmos® technology, making it a versatile space for immersive audio experiences. Central to this setup is the Avid Pro Tools | MTRX, described by Nelson as the “hub of the whole studio.” This high-performance audio interface, paired with the Avid S1 and Avid Dock, allows for seamless integration of analog and digital workflows. The setup provides a tactile, engaging experience for engineers, enhancing their interaction with the music beyond the confines of a purely digital environment.
RAK Studios has played host to an impressive array of artists, as evidenced by the plaques adorning its walls, showcasing records by Sam Smith, Dua Lipa, Harry Styles, and many others. Studio One, another iconic room within the complex, is celebrated for its exceptional acoustics. Nelson notes that the room's warm, inviting sound makes it difficult to produce anything but high-quality recordings. This sentiment is echoed by many who have worked at RAK, including Isabel Gracefield, a longtime RAK engineer, who praises the studio's reliability and the high caliber of its staff.
A testament to its rich history and enduring legacy, RAK Studios continues to be a preferred destination for artists seeking an environment that blends technical excellence with a familial atmosphere. Mickey Most's visionary spirit lives on in the studio's ongoing commitment to innovation and excellence, making it a true gem in the world of music production. The guest books, filled with signatures and messages from past visitors like Plan B and Arctic Monkeys, stand as a colorful testament to the studio's vibrant and storied past.