Educators Hero

Digital storytelling isn't just a skill-it's a superpower in the modern workplace.

Media and industry professionals from video editing and broadcasting to marketing and journalism rely on Media Composer to power the digital stories that shape our culture, connect with customers and communicate with impact. Using industry-standard tools to craft content that is not just viewed but remembered means your students have a recognized advantage in a competitive job market.


Equip your students with Media Compose by enrolling your institution in the Avid Learning Affiliate Program, at no cost. Inspire and empower future creators with Media Composer.

Media composer for students program highlights

    • Global Educational Community

      Tap into a network of over 1,400 schools around the world that are incorporate Avid’s innovative and industry-standard tools into their teaching.

    • Complimentary Access to Media Composer

      Get free access to Media Composer licenses for you and your students, complete with comprehensive onboarding materials.

    • Special Student Discounts

      Benefit from exclusive offers on Media Composer | Ultimate for your students. Learn more

    • Exclusive Events

      Receive personal invitations to the Avid Learning Summit events.

    • Expert Training Content

      Dive into detailed Getting Started tutorials, tips, and technical guidance to jump-start your Avid journey, with options to add certifications through the Avid Learning Partner program

    • Industry Connections

      Build relationships with industry leaders through Avid events and partnership opportunities.

    • Avid Educator Workshop

      Advance your Media Composer teaching skills with our complimentary, instructor-led workshop offered exclusively to Avid Learning Affiliates.

    • Free Trial of Avid Learning Central

      Experience our award-winning eLearning platform, Avid Learning Central, with a free 90-day trial, and discover new ways to enhance learning.

    • Educator Community Forums

      Connect, collaborate, and share insights with fellow educators within the Avid Learning community.


    Avid Learning Partner? You can participate too!

    Already an Avid Learning Partner or an Avid Media Campus? You too have the opportunity to further enrich your educational offerings by providing free Media Composer licenses to your students and faculty.
    Join now

    a campus that mirrors industry

    Progressive institutions are reshaping education by creating media production environments on their campuses that mirror the professional world. This innovative approach prepares students for the dynamic demands of the entertainment and journalism industries, offering hands-on experience with the tools that produce award-winning films, and groundbreaking journalism. Graduates possess real-world skills, making them highly sought after in a competitive job market.

    Discover how schools are nurturing the next generation of industry innovators, equipped to excel from day one.

    free access

    Ready to offer free access to Media Composer for Students?

    Enroll your institution in the Avid Learning Affiliate Program, at no cost. Inspire and empower future creators with Media Composer.

    Why artists choose media composer

      • Nathan Orloff

        Nathan Orloff

        “I firmly believe that if you want to be an editor, you need to learn Media Composer. It’s a no-brainer.”

      • Jim_Ruxin

        Jim Ruxin, ACE

        “We couldn’t make the films we make today without Avid. Large dramas and reality television shows, as well as big pictures, are not practical without Avid in most cases.”

      • Howard

        Howard Heard

        “Avid Media Composer remains the gold standard for professional, dramatic narrative film editors. Serious editing students who want to get out into the industry and become professional editors are smart to learn to use Media Composer.”

      • Caroline-Orme

        Caroline Orme, MSC

        “Because a lot of big post production companies use Avid, it basically means that more students will be ready to take these opportunities if they've got those skills.”

      • Brian Leonard

        Brian Leonard

        “It’s a no-brainer. The Avid Media Composer for Students program is the grassroots initiative needed throughout academia to lower the barrier, providing easy access to Media Composer for all students who want to explore the possibilities of rewarding, creative careers in the film and broadcast TV industry.”

      • Amelia Allwarden

        Amelia Allwarden

        “I recommend that someone starting out learn Media Composer. It is the best tool we have and is used by the majority of film and television shows.”

      • Editor AJ Catoline ACE

        A.J. Catoline, ACE

        “I love to tell people if you learn [Media Composer], you’re going to be in a good place. You’re going to be in a good community of people doing a lot of the professional work out there. That skillset will go a long way.”

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