SEPTEMBER 18, 2023

Avid showcases powerful newsroom workflow solutions


Fast moving is a phrase which can easily be rolled out to describe the daily news agenda. Dynamic, ever changing and constantly being updated. And in many ways, that can also describe Avid’s approach to delivering on newsroom workflow solutions for news and broadcast customers.

New products bring innovation, and over the past fifteen months, Avid has introduced literally hundreds of novel features and additional workflow possibilities for this area of media production.

All new development must make coherent sense as part of an overall framework of applications and services which enhance and enrich the content that can be created, shared among the creative team, and distributed swiftly to audiences on any platform. Avid is one of the biggest players in the news market, delivering rundowns to social media distribution with an open, integrated solution.

MediaCentral | Collaborate continues to be at the heart of Avid’s story-centric approach to news gathering. An app in the web-based MediaCentral | Cloud UX – also available on iOS mobile phones and in applications such as Media Composer and Adobe Premiere Pro – was showcased at IBC in Amsterdam that highlights fresh capabilities coming soon to offer greater customization and more flexibility for the creative community.


With a new “blueprint builder,” organizations will be able to create precisely what they need to connect teams together, plan, share, and track iNEWS stories and media projects from idea to completion. MediaCentral | Collaborate is media aware, unlike other story-centric tools on the market which purely cater to the planning and tracking part of the newsroom workflow with no connection to the media involved.

With a new Collections app, it will be even easier for editorial team members to gather what they need and share content with others, regardless of their location and using multiple tools. Even on mobile phones on location, journalists in the field can view video content and update their task status easily to ensure the whole team stays in sync with each other as stories move and change.

Avid Stream IO 900

Aiding that process is the brand new ingest and playout solution, Avid | Stream IO, which made its debut at the show just after release. Perfectly tuned for collaborative MediaCentral workflows and also supporting OP1a ingest to any storage platform, Avid | Stream IO is software-based. It can be deployed on-premises on COTS hardware from Dell or HP or in the cloud. At launch it supports many of the most commonly used video formats and there is an exciting roadmap of developments ahead to enhance its capabilities further.

Manually controlled via its own web console or via applications such as Avid’s MediaCentral | Acquire or MediaCentral | Capture or by non-Avid studio automation systems, it has four, fully configurable ingest and playout channels and is the ideal replacement for aging Airspeed servers.

AI is also generating a huge amount of interest in the world of news and broadcast. Avid has utilized AI for a number of years for capabilities such as phonetic searching and enhanced metadata enrichment. Avid showcased additional capabilities and innovations in a specific pod at the show. To find out more about that read here

The release of Avid | Stream IO and new capabilities in MediaCentral and iNEWS are only some of the developments recently released and coming soon from Avid. Why not get in touch to schedule a demo to find out more about how Avid’s news solutions can revolutionize your workflows?

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  • Craig Wilson headshot

    Craig Wilson is a newsroom specialist with over thirty years of experience in the broadcast industry. Craig has held various roles with Avid and is now the Global Media and Cloud Product Evangelist and host of the Making the Media podcast.

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