MAY 4, 2022

Take It on Trust

Journalism is under attack like never before, the fight against disinformation will last years, and there needs a new approach to combat it.

In the next episode of the Making the Media podcast, host Craig Wilson talks in-depth with former journalist and senior executive at the BBC, Jessica Cecil about what can and needs to be done to ensure audiences can trust the news they are reading, listening to, or watching, on whatever platform they choose.

Jessica was a founder of the Trusted News Initiative — a partnership between major tech organizations and news companies to combat disinformation — and says there needs to be a much more international approach to the issue. Progress is being made, but it is only a start.

She tells Craig in the podcast, “I think that we've seen through the U.S. elections, really contentious elections, through COVID, and now through Ukraine an evolution in the way in which the tech companies are thinking about that. But clearly, they need to be working with the news organizations to find and agree on a common set of principles about where free speech ends and threat to democracy, threat to life begins, because these are really difficult questions.”

On the podcast, they discuss the corrosive nature of disinformation, the threat it poses to democracy and to individual journalists and women and journalists of color. And they focus on the complex landscape that the audience is being expected to negotiate when it comes to trusted news.

Jessica says, “Journalists are the specialists, the audience are not, and it becomes and therefore it's much, much more important to know that the journalists themselves can navigate on behalf of the audience some of these very, very difficult, tricky waters for disinformation.”

Find out more on the next episode of the podcast, available on all major podcast platforms on Monday, May 9.

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  • Craig Wilson headshot

    Craig Wilson is a newsroom specialist with over thirty years of experience in the broadcast industry. Craig has held various roles with Avid and is now the Global Media and Cloud Product Evangelist and host of the Making the Media podcast.

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