DECEMBER 22, 2023

What’s New in MediaCentral 2023.12

The new version of MediaCentral is FULLY LOADED, packed with exciting capabilities. This evolution of the already extremely extensive abilities of MediaCentral is designed to enable teams to work more collaboratively, regardless of their location. A few highlights of the new MediaCentral features:

  • Highly configurable planning tools
  • New rundown timing options
  • The ability to set a default layout for all users
  • More convenient methods of gathering what you need to get your story done
  • New permissions to control ingest
  • Faster ways to get clips to air
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Let’s break down these practical new MediaCentral features in detail:

MediaCentral | Collaborate is the hub of storycentric working. In fact, it is the center of any type of work where you plan, share, and track the progress of jobs, all in one place. No need to dive into other applications to find out what is happening, everything is all right there. Now it is more configurable than ever, with what we call the Blueprint builder. This is the ability for administrators to customize the forms used by MediaCentral | Collaborate users to create their assignments and tasks. It is a real game changer.

Customizable forms in MediaCentral Collaborate

Rundown timing

More features from the iNEWS client are moving into the MediaCentral Rundown app, extending the possibilities of doing additional work in a browser from anywhere. In the app, as well as the overall timing for the show, producers and journalists can now view the timing of individual show parts or segments. Any user can also see specific timing information within a story, with the addition of block timing, estimated timing, and TTC (time to cursor).

MediaCentral Cloud UX Rundown app timing bar

Default layouts

Users have been able to set and save their own layouts for some time, and administrators have been able to create public layouts which anyone could use. Now administrators can define a layout and make that the default for everyone. It is a great way to make sure each user has the same view, but it is totally flexible, so users can still set their own layouts and work the way they want.

MediaCentral Cloud UX Set default layout

Collections app

We all know the value of being able to gather up a few things on the go as we might need them later. It could be putting items in a shopping basket or laying out clothes in advance of a night out so that they are easily at hand. With the new Collections app in MediaCentral, you can gather together the media needed and then drop them off where you want – in your own folder for example or in MediaCentral | Collaborate to share with colleagues. You drag. You drop. You add them to your collection. Simple and a big timesaver.

MediaCentral Cloud UX Collections App

Clip Mover

A live feed is coming in and you need to get it on-air as soon as possible. No time to edit it, you just need to get it to your playout server so that the feed can go out while it is still coming in. But it is coming in on an ingest server not connected to your studio. Solution? The new Clip Mover app in MediaCentral. As soon as the incoming clip lands in your MediaCentral system, users can simply drag and drop it into the Clip Mover app and trigger a send to playback which will transfer the growing file directly to your FastServe playout server. From there it can be played out, while it continues to grow.

MediaCentral Cloud UX Clip Mover

And finally, in MediaCentral | Acquire, the ingest control application, there are new user permission options, plus the capability to create custom metadata fields so that even more information can be added by ingest operators to enhance the discoverability of any ingested feed.

These are only some of the many new MediaCentral features, building on years of development and used by thousands of news team members and broadcast professionals across the world every day.

Learn more about the new MediaCentral features

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  • Craig Wilson headshot

    Craig Wilson is a newsroom specialist with over thirty years of experience in the broadcast industry. Craig has held various roles with Avid and is now the Global Media and Cloud Product Evangelist and host of the Making the Media podcast.

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